Board releases its Jewish Manifesto ahead of general election

The 42 page Board manifesto includes Ten Commitments

The Board of Deputies has realised its Jewish Manifesto ahead of the 2024 General Election.

Among the list of asks in the 42-page manifesto is a call for a possible Labour government to examine the implications of its planned removal of VAT exemption on private schools, due to the potential impact on the Charedi sector.

It also stated the Board is opposed to quotas on admissions for religious state schools, insisting “successful schools should be allowed to succeed as models for other schools”.

The Board also calls for the current restriction on child benefit to two children lifted, saying it disproportionately affects the Jewish community.

The manifesto starts with the #TenCommitments, a summary of Jewish interests and concerns.

While no there is no single “Jewish view”, and the snap election led to a rapid turnaround of the manifesto, the Board claims to have sought to represent as much of a consensus as possible.

Board of Deputies’ President Phil Rosenberg said: “This election’s Jewish Manifesto has unmistakeably been forged in the Shadow of October 7.

“The significantly expanded section on antisemitism, and the clarion call to secure the release of the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, demonstrate the particular anxiety that our community feels at this time.

“At the same time, many of the issues covered are ones that are felt across society, from the cost-of-living crisis, to housing, to health and social care; each discussing the unique challenges that the Jewish community experiences in these sectors.”

The UK’s Jewish asylum charity HIAS+JCORE also released a manifesto and “call for compassion” ahead of July 4th.

In a forward Rabbi David Mason said:”This election is an opportunity for a rethink. It is clear that the UK’s asylum system is not working. A better, more compassionate and welcoming alternative is possible.”

Amongst the “priority policies” were a calls for decent housing for the disabled, a reverse of legal aid cuts, and an end to “pseudoscientific age assessments” in which the organisation claimed too many young people and children were wrongly assessed to be adults.

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