Father of two in race to find stem cell donor

Blood cancer charity Sue Harris Trust asks volunteers to swab to save a life at the Maccabi Fun Run on Sunday


More than 100 new potential lifesavers were swabbed by the Blood cancer charity Sue Harris Trust last weekend in an effort to save a life. 

A 50-year-old husband and father of two teenagers, Ignacio has a blood cancer called myelofibrosis. His only chance of successful treatment is with a stem cell transplant from someone with a matching tissue type.

Because Ignacio is Jewish, a matching donor is far more likely to be Jewish too.

During a donor drive at  Sunday’s Maccabi GB Community Fun Run at the Stone X Stadium, Phil Rosenberg, the new president of the Board of Deputies, was among those aged 16-55 to be swabbed.  between 10am and 3pm.

The charity was founded by the late Sue Harris and her friends in 1993.

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