OPINION: The butcher is dead. Long live the butcher

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OPINION: The butcher is dead. Long live the butcher

Ibrahim Raisi, the President and ‘Butcher of Tehran’ is dead. Since democracy does not exist in Iran, a new vile, inhumane dictator will replace him, selected from either a ‘very bad or extremely bad’ list

Ebrahim Raisi
Ebrahim Raisi

The butcher is dead, long live the butcher.

Ibrahim Raisi, 63, was elected as the president of the Islamic Republic in 2021. Elections are an attempt to justify the legitimacy of the theocratic regime in Tehran. In reality, these elections are carefully planned and staged and the outcome is pre-determined before the actual election. They are anything but free and democratic.

Iranians have to choose a candidate from a ‘very bad or extremely bad’ list. Many candidates are linked to corruption, theft, murder and the execution of political opponents.

Historically, the regime boasted of the high number of voters participating in this circus show. In reality, the turn-out was due to the consequences faced by non-voters; loss of employment, loss of pensions and expulsion from higher education.

Many who voted would deface their poll card with anti-regime slogans. This was of little consequence to an election that was pre-determined. The regime would have an opportunity to show the international community that the civilians accept the regime.

However, since 2021, the Iranians have boycotted all elections. Polling stations were largely empty as the threats of the regime no longer carry weight; Iranians have nothing more to lose.

Afshin Payravi; www.aihra.org.uk

Raisi, the ‘Butcher of Tehran’, was responsible for the tens of thousands of political murders in 1988. He was proud of his role and participation in cleansing society. No tears have been shed with the loss of the president and the Foreign Minister, another vile person who claimed that the 2022 ‘Women, Life, Freedom’ uprising resulted in no casualties and that the Islamic Republic has more Human Rights and women rights than the U.K.

Video footage from Iran shows many celebrating the demise of such evil men with fireworks.

Since democracy does not exist in Iran, a vile, inhumane dictator will be selected to replace the butcher of Tehran. Rumours suggest that there may be a possibility that Mohsen Rezaee, 69, a conservative politician affiliated with the Resistance Front of Islamic Iran and senior military officer in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) will be selected as the next president.

Mohsen Rezaee

Rezaee joined the IRGC during the 1980-88 war with Iraq and very quickly climbed up the ranks. His incompetence led to tens of thousands of fatalities and defeats at the front. His son, Ahmad Rezaee was an outspoken critic of the regime.

Rezaee firmly believes in the destruction of the state of Israel and supports the Supreme leader’s son, Mojtaba, in replacing his father as the next supreme leader of the Islamic Republic, a role that was, in all likelihood, destined for Raisi.

Rezaee and Mojtaba are both hardliners and this combination may prove disastrous for Iran as well as Israel.

Social media shares clips of Iranians launching fireworks to celebrate death of President Raisi

What can we do with yet another butcher in Tehran?

The Iranians, who have already demonstrated their incredible bravery by standing against the regime and fighting bullets with their bare chests, need your support.

The Iranians long for a country based on law, democracy and human rights, not tyranny, murder, hate and terrorism.

Maximum support entails the empowerment of the Iranian civilians, enforcing economic sanctions against the regime, proscribing the IRGC as a terrorist entity and sanctioning flights from Iran to the E.U and the U.K.

With our empowerment, inherent bravery and thirst for freedom and a normal life, the Islamic Republic will be toppled by the sons and daughters of Iran, not Western boots on the ground. This alone will ensure a smooth transition to stability and democracy.

Without this support, the fall of this tyrannical inhumane regime will be delayed, allowing the new butcher to execute more Iranian youth and strengthen their terrorist proxies in Lebanon and Yemen, establish and fund terror cells in Europe and Britain.

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