Rare archival photos illuminate Shavuot celebrations under the British Mandate

Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund unveils historic images from the 1930s and 1940s

Jerusalem Kindergarteners celebrate Shavuot at KKL-JNF's 40th Anniversary Exhibition, 1942. Photo by Lazar Dinar, KKL-JNF Archive
Shavuot Celebration at the Spitzer School, Jerusalem, 1940. Photo by Photo Levy, KKL-JNF Archive
Bikkurim Celebration, Kibbutz Sarid, 1938. Photo by Rudi Weissenstein, KKL-JNF Archive

Ahead of Shavuot, KKL-JNF has unveiled a collection of rare archival photographs capturing the spirit of celebration during the days of the British Mandate.

The remarkable images offer a glimpse into the festivities surrounding the Bikkurim or ‘first-fruits’ celebrations in the 1930s and 1940s during the formative years of the state of Israel, spanning Jerusalem, Kibbutz Gan Shmuel and Kibbutz Sarid.

Bikkurim Celebrations – KKL-JNF Building, Jerusalem, 1943.
Photo by Photo Ora, KKL-JNF Archive

Efrat Sinai, director of archives at KKL-JNF said: “After the Temple’s destruction, first fruits tradition faded.

Bikkurim Celebrations – Kibbutz Gan Shmuel, 1945. Photo by Yaakov Rosner, KKL-JNF Archive

“Yet, in the early 20th century, KKL-JNF revived Shavuot celebrations, symbolizing the return to our homeland. Since the 1920s, these ceremonies have thrived across cities and countryside.

“Our archive echoes the journey of Jewish community in Israel. In honor of Shavuot, we’re thrilled to share these nostalgic glimpses of British Mandate era celebrations.”

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